Abhishek Agarwal
Position: PhD Student
e-mail: a.agarwal@cent.uw.edu.pl
Room: 03.65 at CeNT UW
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Biographical note
I completed a Master’s degree in the field of Computational Biology at IIIT Delhi (India) in 2019. During my Master’s I was studying the mouse models that correspond to a human single-cell using Single-cell genomics.
I joined Dariusz Plewczynski’s research group as a Ph.D. student within the Enhpathy consortium in the frame of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)-ITN-ETN European Training Networks.
Publications in lab:
Agarwal A,
Korsak S,
Choudhury A,
Plewczyński D,
The dynamic role of cohesin in maintaining human genome architecture.
(Bioessays) [Pub Med ID: 37603403] -
Chiliński M,
Lipiński J,
Agarwal A,
Ruan Y,
Plewczyński D,
Enhanced performance of gene expression predictive models with protein-mediated spatial chromatin interactions.
(Sci Rep) [Pub Med ID: 32832596]