Kaustav Sengupta
Position: Postdoc
e-mail: k.sengupta@cent.uw.edu.pl
Room: 3.59
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Biographical note
My main interest lies in the area of Bio-informatics focusing on the analysis of various networks such as Protein Interaction Network, Gene Interaction Network etc. based on topological properties.
Also computational analysis of these networks by incorporating various information such as Gene Ontology, Pathway, Protein Class etc. by using various machine learning algorithms and computational tools.
I have published two journals and one conference paper on these topics.
Publications in lab:
Własnowolski M,
Kadlof M,
Sengupta K,
Plewczyński D,
3D-GNOME 3.0: a three-dimensional genome modelling engine for analysing changes of promoter-enhancer contacts in the human genome.
(Nucleic Acids Res) [Pub Med ID: 31362752] -
Sengupta K,
Denkiewicz M,
Chiliński M,
Szczepińska T,
Mollah A,
Korsak S,
D'Souza R,
Ruan Y,
Plewczyński D,
Multi-scale phase separation by explosive percolation with single-chromatin loop resolution.
(Comput Struct Biotechnol J) [Pub Med ID: 30778195] -
Sengupta K,
Saha S,
Halder A,
Chatterjee P,
Nasipuri M,
Basu S,
Plewczyński D,
PFP-GO: Integrating protein sequence, domain and protein-protein interaction information for protein function prediction using ranked GO terms.
(Front Genet) [Pub Med ID: 29477548] -
Chiliński M,
Sengupta K,
Plewczyński D,
From DNA human sequence to the chromatin higher order organisation and its biological meaning: Using biomolecular interaction networks to understand the influence of structural variation on spatial genome organisation and its functional effect
(Semin. Cell Dev. Biol.) [Pub Med ID: 34429265] -
Halder A,
Denkiewicz M,
Sengupta K,
Basu S,
Plewczyński D,
Aggregated network centrality shows non-random structure of genomic and proteomic networks.
(Methods) [Pub Med ID: 31740366]