Krzysztof Banecki
Position: PhD Student
e-mail: k.banecki@datascience.edu.pl
Room: 222 at MiNI, WUT
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Biographical note
Krzysztof Banecki graduated wtih a degree of Mathematics studies with a specialization in Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis. Currently he is a PhD student in the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at the Warsaw University of Technology and a memeber of the Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics. His main interests comprise of the 3D genome structure, chromatin interactions and its implications in phylogenetics and evolutionary processes.
Publications in lab:
Kadlof M,
Banecki K,
Chiliński M,
Plewczyński D,
Chromatin image-driven modelling.
(Methods) [Pub Med ID: 38636797] -
Parteka-Tojek Z,
Zhu J,
Lee B,
Jodkowska K,
Wang P,
Aaron J,
Chew T,
Banecki K,
Plewczyński D,
Ruan Y,
Super-resolution visualization of chromatin loop folding in human lymphoblastoid cells using interferometric photoactivated localization microscopy.
(Sci Rep) [Pub Med ID: 21832993]